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Top Non-Marvel or DC Comic Book Superheroes.

Top Non-Marvel or DC Comic Book Superheroes. Discover the hidden gems of comic book superheroes, the extraordinary characters you've been overlooking. (Image credit: Image Comics) Despite the overwhelming dominance of DC and Marvel in the realm of TV and film, there exists a realm of remarkable and exquisitely illustrated comic book heroes that originated elsewhere. In this list, we present ten superheroes chosen for their past popularity, enduring impact, and historical influence, which undoubtedly deserve your attention. Among the noteworthy entries, this week witnesses the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Spawn franchises making waves. The TMNT series unveils the highly anticipated second installment of TMNT: The Last Ronin, while Spawn introduces a compelling line of four ongoing spin-off titles. It's important to note that this compilation focuses solely on superheroes, so it's understandable if you notice the absence of some prominent names. Our selection is reserved ...


What Marvel's Thor Gets Wrong About Norse Mythology

  What Marvel's Thor Gets Wrong About Norse Mythology In the era of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there's no ancient deity more famous than Thor - Asgardian, Avenger, and God of Thunder. Actual Norsemen of antiquity, however, might be annoyed if they knew how little the Chris Hemsworth version of the character resembles the genuine Thor of Norse mythology. Though not every retelling of the Prose Edda and Poetic Edda agree about the details of Odinson's life, they do make it clear that Jack Kirby and Stan Lee took several liberties when lifting their superheroic creation from Scandinavian lore. It's true that the popularity of Thor in the pages of Marvel Comics, and later the MCU, has increased global awareness of Thor, Loki , and all Norse gods and myths , but unless one is willing to consult the original texts, they're not going to get the whole picture. After all, there are some pretty strange tales of Thor and the rest of the Aesir out there to peruse - and t...